Michigan Pops Alumni

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I wrote “Virtual World” during, and for, the coronavirus pandemic. It’s me trying to do what I do best – writing music to hopefully cheer up the people who need it. I wanted it to be a lighthearted song that rings true about current events while not making anyone more sad or stressed than they might already be. It focuses on the everyday experiences we’re all starting to know: being stuck at home, being bored, missing friends, family, school, or work. But the main takeaway message is the repeating line “today’s love is an impressive one, ‘cause everybody’s in…”. If we’re able to look past the hardship, it’s actually quite remarkable how the whole world has one common goal right now. It may be too soon to find the silver lining, but it’s amazing how much people are collectively willing to give up in an effort to help someone they may not even know. I hope this song provides a little bit of joy, positivity, and support. We can do this! I hope it’s a reminder that music can go a long way in times like these (but everyone in Pops already knows that!). I’m proud to share this virtual world with musicians like you!

Take care and Pops Love,

Seraphina Provenzano

Follow Seraphina’s musical adventures here as one of our featured Pops Blogs. Feel free to contact her at sprovenzano15@gmail.com.

April 1, 2020